Your Options
Our other types of costs agreements can be described as follows:
1. Pay As You Go.
We offer this service so as to lessen the immediate cost burden on individuals, small businesses and small corporations. In this arrangement our fees, charges, expenses and disbursements are billed and are due on a monthly or quarterly basis irrespective of the outcome of your matter.
2. Advance Payments.
We offer this arrangement to individuals, large businesses and large corporations. All legal costs are paid in advance, irrespective of the outcome of the matter. The actual amount to be paid to us will be subject to agreement between you and us.
3. First free consultation.
For any matter that we offer no win no fee services we also provide that the first consultation is free.
For first consultation on matters where no win no fee services do not apply a small fee will apply.
Please Contact us to discuss the matter and the applicable fee.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.